Advance Your Bellydance Technique, Online, 2024

Summer term: 2 June, 16 June, 30 June & 14 July 

Time: Sunday afternoons 5pm – 6:30pm UK time.

Level: Improver to Advanced

Price: £75

About the course: Aimed at improver to advanced bellydancers, who would like to develop their technique, strength, performance skills and dance flow in order to take their dance to the next level.

These 90 minute classes will all have their own individual theme and focus but also contain a thorough warm up, technique drills, dance combinations, individual feedback and a an in-depth stretch and cool down session, to help you relax and restore after the session.

Each class will build on the previous session, and there will be lots of nuances and layers to work on, and you will therefore gain access to the class recordings for 12 months, so that you can revisit and add more complexity and and range to your dance as your technique and strength develops.

Elements that will be covered include: core technique, travelling steps and transitions, upper body moves, understanding music phrasing, personal feedback and development support as well as much more.

This course is created to help you transform you dance way beyond the duration of the course, so that you can dance your best in every aspect going forwards.

What previous students said: 

“I have really enjoyed the course and gained some fresh insights and had a a few ‘light bulb’ moments too. Dorte creates a relaxed and informal atmosphere whilst at the same time giving important dance technique and tips. I would highly recommend the course to relatively new and experienced dancers alike,” Saeeda.


Online booking coming soon. Message me here to secure your place or pay via bank transfer.
