Best of Bellydance

Online Workshop Series

Dates: 21 January, 21 April, 28 April, 5 May, 9 June

Join for one workshop for £20 or for the whole series for £89 (recordings available for any you may have missed).

Each session we will work on a specific iconic Egyptian bellydance song. We will interpreting the lyrics and work towards understanding the story and emotions of the song, and how it can be interpreted, before working on own story telling and performance of it.

Each 90 minute session will have both theoretical as well as practical application and dancing, and the aim is to give participants a deeper knowledge and understanding of some of the most classic and wellknown bellydance songs.

These workshops are suitable for Improver to Advanced level students.

Here are some of the songs that we will work on (the last still to be finalised with the participants):

  • Nebtidi Mnein
  • Aziza
  • Men hobi fek ya ghari


5 workshops (full series):

One workshop:
