Chakra Dance & Energy Balancing Workshop

Online via Zoom

3 May 2024
2:30 pm

Get ready to move your body & change your life. This introductory event will explain how you can tap into your own healing through movement.

This is a transformative online event allowing you to tap into your inner energy and balance your chakras through the power of movement. This unique experience will help you connect deeply with your body, mind, and spirit in a healing and transformative way. This is not about performance or trancing, but an opportunity to understand how you can let your body heal and process past trauma and hurt in a gentle and nurturing way. Professional dancer, teacher and Jungian therapy facilitator Dorte, founder of the Ishtar Dance Academy, will explain how you can utelize this moving meditation to process past memories, so you can move forward with greater ease, confidence, clarity, health and purpose.

This interactive event will be facilitated via Zoom. A recording will also be available should you not be able to attend the live session.

Booking via eventbrite.
