Dance Coaching

How to shine on stage

By Ishtar Dance on Monday, June, 24th, 2024 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Learning, Your Dance Body No Comments

What does it take to loose yourself in the moment of a performance? To shine on stage and become one with your performance, without loosing the choreography or dance steps? What is that illusive knack that some just seem to have naturally, and how do you get it? As we’re all different individuals, there isn’t […]

Sensation Samia Gamal secrets

By Ishtar Dance on Saturday, February, 17th, 2024 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Learning No Comments

Very few belly dancers have been elevated to national Egyptian treasures, but Samia Gamal, born Zaynab Khalil Ibrahim Mahfuz, was and probably still is one of Egypts most loved dancers. I’m sure you’ve already seen lots of video clips of her and if you’ve studied with me you’ll know that I adore her iconic moves and have […]

How to know and develop your dance identity

By Ishtar Dance on Thursday, February, 1st, 2024 in Dance Coaching, Dance Entrepreneur, Dance Inspiration, Learning, Uncategorised, Your Dance Body No Comments

Dancing can become very addictive and an essential part of your identity, but not every dancer is the same. Read on to find out which dance identity is yours, and how you can use that knowledge to develop your dancing even further. To be fair, no one is rarely 100% one or the other. Often […]

Dancing for mind, body and spirit

By Ishtar Dance on Wednesday, November, 29th, 2023 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Your Dance Body 2 Comments

It’s nothing new that dancing is good for you on many different levels, and if you’re already a dancer, I’m sure you know that it works your muscles as well as your brain, not to mention raising your endorphin levels and helping release that feel good hormone that we all enjoy after dancing. But the […]

The psychology of dance

By Ishtar Dance on Tuesday, March, 28th, 2023 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Learning, Your Dance Body No Comments

Do you ever wonder why we dance? How we communicate through dance and how it challenges our brains as well as our bodies? Having worked with dance on many different levels including performing, teaching and in a health setting, I find all these questions highly interesting and I was delighted when I discovered some talks […]

An essential improvisations tip that will really help your dancing

By Ishtar Dance on Sunday, May, 22nd, 2022 in Dance Coaching, Dance Entrepreneur, Dance Inspiration, Learning No Comments

Ever feel stuck when having to improvise and make stuff up on the spot? Always feel you resort to the same old combinations and moves? Then check out this essential improvisations tip that will help you develop exciting combinations, create completely new ones and not least take the fear (hopefully) out of having to dance […]

How to train effectively

By Ishtar Dance on Wednesday, January, 27th, 2021 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Learning, Your Dance Body No Comments

Every week in class I give my students the option of homework, but I know all to well that most won’t be able to set aside large chunks of time to work on their technique or polish their performance. So how do you manage to get your training fitted in between work, family, friends, housework […]

Autumn dance schedule

By Ishtar Dance on Friday, October, 2nd, 2020 in Dance Coaching, Dance Inspiration, Learning No Comments

What a crazy year 2020 has proven to be! Just as I was hoping to return to teaching physical classes and workshops in some of my regular venues, obstacles seem to come in the way and the return, that I think so many are impatiently waiting for, has been delayed. But life goes on, so […]
